Monday, October 12, 2015

Guess me?

The flowers are here
And they are blooming

When it is night
The moon is shining

The trees are swaying
And the children are playing

There is a dark black crow
Looking at the rainbow

The rivers are flowing
The plants are growing

Ants are building their homes
And Children licking their ice cream cones

Which season is this?

Monday, September 21, 2015

Taste of the world

A new child is born,
A new taste is formed

May be he likes prawn, or
May be he likes corn

He might love to run, or
He might love to walk

He might love to have fun, or
He might love to talk

He might love to watch TV, or
He might love to be free

He might love to play,
Using some clay

He might like to do art, or
Just be a part

He might like to eat
Some tasty treat

Oh, wait!
We don’t have to worry!

Because people's taste vary!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Earth

(poem by Minnal)

The Sun is very big
but the Earth is very small
The Earth is very big
but I am very small
I am very big
but the ants are very small
The ants are very big
but the germs are very small

I… love the
nature of the world
So peaceful
and nice
and very kind.

I… love the
earth so much
seeing the flowers bloom(2)

Hearing the trees
swaying all the way,
the buzzing bees
buzzing in my way,
singing and dancing
near the hay,
I see a dancing
Peacock in my way.

Oh… what a very nice day!
I couldn’t imagine
a day like this!
Looking at the clouds
moving in the sky,
I think
I will have a try! (2)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Careless Girl!

(Poem by Minnal Senthil)

A girl, fell in the rain
near a drain
and got a sprain

She went to the doctor,
and the doctor said
lay in bed.

After a week,
she became very weak
and was little freak.

She told Fred
She always
Thinks of bed
in her head.
She wore her dress
with little stress,
She ate some meat
and rubbed her feet,

enjoying her treat.

Sunday, June 21, 2015