Monday, February 12, 2018

Guess who I am

I sore through the sky
But a bird I’m not
When you see me from the ground
I look like a dot

I have windows
And I also have wings
I carry people
And I also carry things

I am huge
I am humongous
And my mechanics
Are stupendous

I even move faster
Than the fastest train
Can you guess who I am?
You have to use your brain!

Minnal Senthil
11 Feb 2018

I want this & I want that

I want to play
I want to run
I want to sleep
I want to have fun

I want a dog
And I want a cat
I want this
And I want that

If you get what you want
Then you’ll become greedy
And you may stop
Helping the needy

You shouldn’t buy wants
But only needs
You shouldn’t show
Even a single drop of greed

Now you know
What to do and not
And don’t buy stuff
Which you’ve already got

Minnal Senthil
10 Feb 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

We will miss you

From Prakriya you are graduating
Going to 11th grade is an important thing

You leaving from Prakriya will be sad
I hope you don't feel too bad

I hope there are trees here and there
In your new school, greenery should be everywhere

Study well I hope you do
We will certainly miss you

-Minnal Senthil
05 Feb 2018
To the batch graduating from Prakriya 2017-2018

Pigs are pretty, not dirty

I love pigs
They look very pretty
And pigs are not
Animals that are dirty

Pigs normally roll in the mud
But now they role in the drain
Pigs naturally eat food
Like carrots and grains

The pigs role in the drain
Because finding mud is tough
Nowadays there are only buildings
And the pigs have had enough

Now carrots and grains
Are not available everywhere
But now there is rubbish
Always here are there

So please don't litter
It is really sad
That we are changing the pigs life
And that is really bad

-Minnal Senthil
05 Feb 2018

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Let's save the earth

Save the nature immediately
Our earth has lost all it’s beauty
We cut down all the plants and trees
Only for our wants not needs

Let us save the earth so that
Our children will have a life worth
Living in nature
Will give them lot of pleasure

We have to say
That I will play
A role in saving the earth
Let’s save the earth!

Minnal Senthil
Jan 2018

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Who is this Monster!

I was so happy
that I shouted Yippee!
Someone said yippee again
and they copied me!

Is it a Monster?
Or, is it my brother?
Is it a ghost?
Or, is it my mother?

Whatever it is,
it is very scary
It might be a beast
which is enormous and hairy

I told my mother
she said she knows
who the monster is
It was Mr.Echo!

Minnal Senthil
Jan 2018