Wednesday, November 30, 2016

I have got a cold

It was cold outside
So, I got a cold
To sing, I tried
But my voice was sore

In my house,
We were playing hide and seek
But when I sneezed
They found me!

All 24 hours
In my room
The place where I spent
Was the bathroom

I have to stay in bed
Could you help me please?
If you have a way to cure me
Please help me!

- Minnal Senthil
Sep 2016

Care your needs

 Oh! look there!
There is a seed!
Let’s take care of it
and give it what it needs

After some days,
I saw a sprout
With the joy I had,
You could hear me shout!

After some more days
I see more leaves!
And all this happened
Because I gave it it’s need!

-Minnal Senthil
30 Nov 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Think Twice

Once upon a time,
there was a mouse
who lived in a small
and beautiful house

He goes to find food
and sees some cheese
With lots of excitement,
he jumps and leaps

With happiness on his face,
he tries to clap
But oh no!
He is stuck on a trap!

He moves and struggles,
with lot of fright
But trap won’t let him,
It will hold him tight

And, now he knows
That he should think twice
But now, already
He has paid his price!!!